Wednesday, December 22, 2010


James Vanderberg, In the Dark in the Light
Back to our regularly scheduled programming shortly, but my friend and coworker, James Vanderberg, is a talented painter doing some very interesting work in abstraction with an adept eye for color. He's applied for a grant and a chance at a solo exhibition, but needs votes. Please check out his portfolio here and if you'd like, give him a nice strong vote. For the record, I get no benefit out of it if you do, I just think his work is solid and deserves it.


Pranali said...

This is Pranali..

I had come across a posting on blogger forum. it was regarding the font problem that you were having regarding your posts. could you please tell me how did you fix it?
cs I am having the same problem...

Ryan Witte said...


I wasn't really able to solve the problem, exactly. In "compose" mode I select the first paragraph and change the font size to "normal," which actually changes it to "small." Then I go into HTML mode. Where it says "font size: small," I change that to "medium" (or whatever size you want), and take the < / span > code at the end of the paragraph and drag it to the very bottom of the post. It's annoying, but it was the easiest way I could find to do it.